Yoga Anywhere
If you're anything like me, most days you're running around like a crazy person trying to get everything done for work and family, and there may not be a huge open chunk of time to devote to exercise or stretching. So I'm here to share with you a few ways I work yoga into my busy day.
Here I am first thing in the morning, drinking coffee and checking email, and enjoying a nice neck stretch.
Any of my students will tell you that with me, it's always a good time for chair pose! Quads of steel!
This week I'm practicing for the Knoxville Opera's production of HMS Pinafore. It's important for flutists to stretch their wrists!
It's important to take breaks during practice sessions to prevent overuse injury. Eagle feels so yummy on the upper back!
I adore spinal twists.
Second only to my love of chair pose is a good forearm plank. Great energy boost when you're tired!
More wrist and finger stretching at the end of my practice session. Even if the only thing you do with your hands and fingers is type on your computer and phone, this is good for you!
And before I head out to my next commitment, I pause for a delicious chest stretch against the wall.
I hope you'll see that you don't need a yoga mat or fancy workout clothes or even a trip to the studio to work some yoga into your life. As you go about your day today, try these out and let me know what you think. Namaste, y'all!