Learning to Fly
Considering my last post (a. k. a. rant) about all the crazy advanced poses you see on Instagram these days, you may find it ironic that I'm about to teach a workshop on just that, arm balances and inversions! Yes, I've got some 'splainin' to do, so don't go calling me a hypocrite just yet.
I have a love/hate relationship with these types of poses. I love them because once I get them down, they look super cool and make me feel like a freaking rockstar! I hate them because, well, they're hard and frustrating and can be really scary and intimidating. Do NOT search #handstand365 on Instagram unless you want to end up like me, crying in a fetal position. Trust me on this one.
My journey with arm balances and inversions has been a long and slow one, somewhat because of my fear, but also because it took a while to find the right teacher who said the right thing to make the light bulb go off in my head. And my journey is ongoing. I've by no means mastered all these poses, but I've picked up lots of great tips along the way that have made the difference for me between flying and falling.
So I'm here to offer you those tips and my empathy. I know how it feels to be that yogi hanging out in chair twist for what feels like an eternity while others are going into side crow, gawking at them and thinking, "How the hell are they doing that?" Been there, done that. If this sounds familiar, then this workshop is for you.
Poses covered will include scale lifts, crow/crane, shoulder-pressing pose, side crow, handstand, headstand, and feathered peacock. We'll do lots of prep work and use props so that even if you don't fly right away, you'll know how and what to practice to get you there eventually.
I'd love to see you tomorrow at Real Hot Yoga from 3 to 5! You can click here to register. Below are some pics to give you a little sneak peek. Let's fly!
Chaturanga IS an arm balance and also serves as the base for many others, so good form is vital!
In any arm balance, you have to press away from the floor and stay engaged!
Dolphin is so great for strengthening the shoulder girdle!
Way easier with blocks!
The block brings the floor closer to you in so many poses.
Feel like you're going to fall back? Use a block!
Side crow is the gateway arm balance!
This was me for at least a year before I could lift my legs all the way!
I actually think L stands are way hard than just kicking up into a handstand.