Join me at Real Hot Yoga today at 10:45 or 12:15 for some balancing fun!
Yoga Anywhere
If you're anything like me, most days you're running around like a crazy person trying to get everything done for work and family, and there may not be a huge open chunk of time to devote to exercise or stretching. So I'm here to share with you a few ways I work yoga into my busy day.
I hope you'll see that you don't need a yoga mat or fancy workout clothes or even a trip to the studio to work some yoga into your life. As you go about your day today, try these out and let me know what you think. Namaste, y'all!
Tuesday Teaser!
Here's a snippet of what I'll teach today at Real Hot Yoga at 10:45. Hope to see you there!
At Least 50 Shades of Grey in Yoga
Whenever I meet people for the first time and I tell them I'm a yoga teacher, the usual response is, "What kind of yoga do you teach?" My basic answer is power or vinyasa, which links movement with the breath, but as any student will tell you, there can be vast differences between teachers of the same style.
I have taken MANY a power yoga class in my twelve years of practice with MANY different teachers, and the ones I come back to are the ones that challenge me, but in an accessible way. I am inspired by teachers who mix it up and offer creative sequences, not just sticking with the norm because "that's the way it's always been done." I appreciate hands-on assists and offers of modification or even ways to kick it up a notch. I like to move it, move it, but sometimes it's a nice burn to just hold a pose for a bit! (Chair pose, anyone?) And most of all, I love a teacher who doesn't take herself or yoga too seriously, who can make you laugh through that last umpteenth chaturanga, and who isn't afraid to own and admit her limitations. (Tight hips, anyone?)
This is the kind of yoga teacher I strive to be.
Namaste and Welcome, Y'all!
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I've finally got my new website up and running, woo hoo! Much harder work than teaching yoga, let me tell you. And I say "I've" as if I actually had much to do with it. Thankfully, my sweet husband is a web guru, and I happen to have an amazing photographer as a friend. I just had to smile and pose pretty and proofread.
Now that the hard part's done, I can get on to the fun business of waxing poetic about my experiences practicing and teaching yoga. I'd love for you to come on this journey with me.