Happy Labor Day weekend, folks!
To celebrate all our hard work, I'm having a contest to give away two 60-minute private sessions, and I'll explain how to enter the contest shortly.
Those of you who take my classes know that I usually like to get as creative with my playlists as I do with my sequences, and the one I'm debuting this weekend is no exception. I find particular delight in finding fun connections between songs, like following "Bootylicious" with "Shake Your Booty."
And therein lies the fun of this contest! Here's how to play:
1) Come to one of my classes this weekend at Real Hot Yoga (Friday 4:30 pm, Saturday 1 pm) or Breezeway Yoga Studio (Saturday 9 am, Sunday 4 pm).
2) I have TWO fun song connections worked into my Labor Day playlist. One of them is pretty easy. The other is for my fellow music-loving geeks, but I have faith in your musical sleuthing abilities! (Here's a hint: it's movie related.) Figure them out and send me your guesses either by the contact page here on my website or via Facebook message through my Flutist Yogini page.
3) The deadline to submit your guesses is Monday, September 7, midnight EST. On Tuesday, I will announce the two randomly-selected winners from all the correct responses.
4) Winners must redeem their prize here in Knoxville within one year.
Remember, part of the contest is actually coming to class, not just listening to the playlist.
Have fun, and let's play!